Friday, June 19, 2015

Essay practice 1

Been long since I wrote here.

Since I have my PTE examinations, I will be posting essays here as my practice for them. Please feel free to rate my essays and I would also love to receive some valuable feedback as well.

I have given almost 20 minutes for each essay and the word count is 200-300 words.
Q)  It has recently been suggested that the classical, or “dead”, languages Latin and Greek should be re-introduced into the school curriculum. Those that oppose the idea claim that the ancient languages are of no practical use and no help in getting a job. Those in favor of the idea say that education is more about training the mind than preparing for a career.
Which of these points of view do you most agree with? Support your argument, where possible, with reasons and/r examples from your own experience and obsercations.

Education is most valuable on its way of application. I stand on the opposition claiming that ancient languages are no longer into use and are of no practical importance.
Ancient languages may well be of importance to historians. It has no importance to the common man. As it is there is huge burden on students of the curriculum, adding extra languages that provide no practical purpose on real life scenarios would not be a good idea. Instead, that time could be utilized towards something that relates to the career of the student. Student’s career also has to be taken into account while introducing new subjects into the curriculum.

For instance, a student with high passion towards Mathematics has no need to study Latin or Greek for him to excel in his career.  These subjects are not remotely anywhere near what his career relates to in the near future. On the other side however, it would be of immense importance for a student to have a good base by studying Latin and Greek language who wants to major in History or Latin and Greek culture. Therefore, the only viable solution to such a problem is giving choice to the student.
These languages could be introduced to the curriculum provided that they are kept as optional subject. If the student has interest towards similar subjects, he/she could choose to study these “dead” languages.

I also disagree with the statement that education is merely for training the mind and not preparing for career. If that was so, we would only have very smart people and no doctors or engineers, just people with well trained minds. Education highly relates to the career one is pursuing and must be suited towards mainly the growth of the career of the student.

Words- 295

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