Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Essay 3

Some people prefer to spend their holidays in resorts where everything is organized for them and they
take little interest in the country they are visiting. Others prefer to travel around the country and to see
how the people live, to get to know their customs and traditions and cuisine.
Write an essay on which type of foreign travel you think is best for both the tourist and the local community.


Tourism, a medium to bridge communicational gaps among countries, not only provides as a medium to exchange culture but  also accounts for one of the major sources of income for many countries. I personally feel that if tourists travel around the country and see how people live and have experiences of new customs and cuisines, it would be highly beneficial for the tourist as well as the local community.

This issue can be looked at from two point of views. From the point of view of the tourist, in the large pre-managed resort travel they may or may not get authentic local experience. There could be cultural shows that would be organized to provide information about the local community but like they say, a copy is never as good as the original. Moreover, it would also be cheaper for the tourist to organize the trip themselves. It could take a little more effort but would surely be worth the while in most of the cases.

On the other hand, looking at it from the local community’s point of view, it would be highly beneficial for them if the tourist came to their places and spent their time in the community itself. Local cuisine would be advertised along with local culture being spread around the world. The tourist would also get to know the history of the place from the authentic local people. Also, the local people would also be aware of different cultures in other parts of the world, making them more aware of the diverse cultures across the globe.

To sum it up, if the tourist goes to the local community to enjoy their time rather than the pre managed resorts while travelling, it would be beneficial economically, socially and culturally for both, the tourist and the local community.

Words - 300

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Essay 2

Q) Some people think placing advertisements in schools is a great resource for public schools that need additional funding, but others think it exploits children by treating them as a captive audience for corporate sponsors.

Choose which position you most agree with and discuss why you chose that position. Support your point of view with details from your own experiences, observations and reading.

A) I agree with the view that placing advertisements in public schools for additional funding exploits children by making them a captive audience for corporate sponsors. These advertisements could be good or bad. Children are like clay, they shape into whatever they are molded to. They cannot independently think for themselves and must be kept at a pure and education enhancing place rather than as a business commodity.

Children are quite immature to think about this matter. It is therefore the duty of the school and parents to think about it. Large corporate sponsors may be enticing to schools on one hand, but on the other hand outweigh the additional income by their inappropriate and irrelevant advertisements to children.

For instance, I studied in a public school. The school had very little money that was generated as revenues for other activities apart from operational costs. We used immensely constructive ways to generate additional revenues. We conducted inter school debate competitions and putting up a ticket or an entry fee for it, organizing sports tournaments and music festivals as well. The point to be made here is that schools can generate additional income from various non destructive sources as well. They do not have to put students as a captive audience for those large profit seeking corporate organizations.

To put it in a nutshell, corporate sponsors should not be allowed to place advertisements that may or may not be relevant to the child’s future and growth. Moreover, these companies want to fire their using  children’s shoulders as a support. Children should be kept at a place where growth and knowledge is encouraged and not be made business aspects for other company’s growth just for some additional revenue.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Essay practice 1

Been long since I wrote here.

Since I have my PTE examinations, I will be posting essays here as my practice for them. Please feel free to rate my essays and I would also love to receive some valuable feedback as well.

I have given almost 20 minutes for each essay and the word count is 200-300 words.
Q)  It has recently been suggested that the classical, or “dead”, languages Latin and Greek should be re-introduced into the school curriculum. Those that oppose the idea claim that the ancient languages are of no practical use and no help in getting a job. Those in favor of the idea say that education is more about training the mind than preparing for a career.
Which of these points of view do you most agree with? Support your argument, where possible, with reasons and/r examples from your own experience and obsercations.

Education is most valuable on its way of application. I stand on the opposition claiming that ancient languages are no longer into use and are of no practical importance.
Ancient languages may well be of importance to historians. It has no importance to the common man. As it is there is huge burden on students of the curriculum, adding extra languages that provide no practical purpose on real life scenarios would not be a good idea. Instead, that time could be utilized towards something that relates to the career of the student. Student’s career also has to be taken into account while introducing new subjects into the curriculum.

For instance, a student with high passion towards Mathematics has no need to study Latin or Greek for him to excel in his career.  These subjects are not remotely anywhere near what his career relates to in the near future. On the other side however, it would be of immense importance for a student to have a good base by studying Latin and Greek language who wants to major in History or Latin and Greek culture. Therefore, the only viable solution to such a problem is giving choice to the student.
These languages could be introduced to the curriculum provided that they are kept as optional subject. If the student has interest towards similar subjects, he/she could choose to study these “dead” languages.

I also disagree with the statement that education is merely for training the mind and not preparing for career. If that was so, we would only have very smart people and no doctors or engineers, just people with well trained minds. Education highly relates to the career one is pursuing and must be suited towards mainly the growth of the career of the student.

Words- 295